This robot not only has been disguised to look like a human being, but it also possesses the characteristics and qualities of a Turbo Duelist. After Yusei, Jack Atlas, and Crow arrived, Crow touched the robot's metal arm, which fell off. After the defeat, Ghost rode out of the Dueling lane and crashed into some trees. Its identity was revealed after Yusei Fudo defeated it in a Turbo Duel. The first Duelbot seen is Ghost, which was used to terrorize and defeat Turbo Duelists, causing them to crash with major injuries. In actuality, they are being mass produced by Primo, as a part of his plans to speed the activation of the Grand Design by Dueling with full force.

Trudge named this type of robot a Duelbot and revealed that these special robots are being used by Sector Security. It is later used by the Three Pure Nobles as part of their secretive plans. A Duelbot, known as a Riding Roid in the Japanese version, is a type of robot used by Sector Security in order to assist them with crimes involving Duel Runners.