Windows Make Component Dimensions Freehand Zoom Extents Line (L) 3D Text Follow Me Look Around. SketchUp 8 Quick Reference Card Display additional toolbars by choosing View > Toolbars from the menu bar. Example: bachelor of science Search SketchUp 8 Quick Reference Card For WindowsĢ010 Google o lOperationInstructionsArc (A)Bulgespecify bulge amount by typing a number and EnterRadiusspecify radius by typing a number, the R key, and EnterSegmentsspecify number of segments by typing a number, the S key, and EnterCircle (C)Shiftlock in current planeRadiusspecify radius by typing a number and EnterSegmentsspecify number of segments by typing a number, the S key, and EnterEraser (E)Ctrlsoften/smooth (use on edges to make adjacent faces appear curved)ShifthideCtrl+Shiftunsoften/unsmo othFollow MeAltuse face perimeter as extrusion pathBetter Wayfirst Select path, then choose the Follow Me tool, then click on the face to extrudeLine (L)Shiftlock in current inference directionArrowsup or down arrow to lock in blue direction right to lock in red left to lock in greenLengthspecify length by typing a number and EnterLook AroundEye Heightspecify eye height by typing a number and EnterMove (M)Ctrlmove a copyShifthold down to lock in current inference directionAltauto-fold (allo) To remove one, select it and hit the – key in Windows, or delete it from the text box if you’re using a Mac. Click ‘close’ when you’ve finished assigning new shortcuts. Click the + button to create your new keyboard shortcut, which appears in your Shortcuts column in the list box.

Don’t click on ‘enter’ or you’ll lose the value you specified. On a Mac you’ll see your new shortcut in the Key column of the list box. Find the text box below the list of commands and click the shortcut you want to assign to it.Use the list box to choose the command you want to assign a shortcut to.You can also explore the whole list via the main list box. Type the command you want into the Filter box at the top of the dialog box.Click ‘Shortcuts’ in the sidebar to your left.Choose Edit > Preferences in Windows or LayOut > Preferences on a Mac to surface the LayOut Preferences dialog box.How does it work? To create your own SketchUp shortcuts list takes just a few simple steps: So we know SketchUp enables hotkeys to be edited as well as created from scratch. How to Create and Edit SketchUp Keyboard Shortcut Keys